Online Features

Online Features

Online features in purchasing decision process

In most valuable features of the purchasing process, buyers overwhelmingly indicated that online features, such as product comparisons or product videos, were more valuable than traditional ones, such as phone calls or viewing products in a store. Sellers, by contrast, ranked online features much lower than buyers. 

  • Buyers ranked online product comparison features the highest of the time, whereas sellers only ranked them the highest of the time.
  • Buyers ranked product videos the highest of the time, whereas sellers only ranked the feature highest of the time.
  • Sellers ranked viewing products in a physical store highest of the time, compared to buyers who only ranked it highest of the time.
  • Sellers ranked phone and/or video calls with a sales rep highest of the time, compared to buyers who only ranked it highest of the time.

For 2021, the top priority identified by sellers is providing a positive customer experience, followed by expanding customer bases, and selling products globally. Meanwhile, the top priority for buyers is increasing efficiency. However, according to many buyers reducing costs is a top procurement priority this year, though cost reduction is a higher priority in the education, government, and healthcare industries than in commercial industries.

5 Features that Highly Influence the Customer’s Decision in Making Purchase

  1. Product placement: The placement of the product plays a very crucial role in determining the behaviour of the customer and making a better sales to them. The customer wouldn’t like to spend their time in searching for the product and digging deep into the website.
  2. Easy purchase option: The customers always look for some kind of assistance when it comes to making a purchase as most of the stores provide the product from the same brand. The  shopping site can provide the customers with assistance when it comes to different aspects. It saves the customers a lot of time and saves the extra efforts they need to put in order to complete the purchase.
  3. Marketing campaigns: Keeping the customers informed about your offerings is the best way to aid the purchase decision of the customers. Advertisement play an important role in influencing the visitor’s decision to make a purchase. It helps in creating an awareness among the users and also helps in attracting a better crowd to the store. 
  4. Better Branding of the products: The most common customer behaviour that has been observed is the pattern in choosing a product. Majority of the customers prefer to make a purchase on the product that is directly related to a bigger brand or a self-established brand. This not only entrusts the customers that they are receiving a quality product, but also ensure the trust elements in the product.
  5. Solve their queries: The availability of a chat support system in a website highly motivates the visitors to make a purchase. As, the visitors look onto the web store than the chances may arise where the users may find some complications with the products or their understanding is not developed. The users can use this feature to get their other doubts cleared. 
  6. Security: It is one of the most important feature as it ensures that no crucial data such as credit card information is saved and for all prepaid shipments the checkout is carried out through a secure payment gateway. 
  7. Content Management System: Content Management System is used to manage the website content such as, Logo, banner, Footer links, Policies,  and Products from the back end itself.
  8. User Friendly Menu: - A user-friendly menu is one of the most crucial features of ecommerce website design. Users usually expect a horizontal menu to appear across the top of the website, and vertical — down the left side. But even here you have options. The customers usually choose between Mega, Dynamic, or Drop-down menus on their Magento websites.
  9. Advanced Search Function and Filtering: Product search and filtering are top ecommerce website design features as they enable customers to find the products they are looking for quickly and with ease. Filters allow shoppers to narrow down product lists and focus on the products they’re actually interested in, skipping over the pages and products they don’t need.
  10. High Quality Photos: Ecommerce websites should display high-quality, eye-catching photos optimized for page load. You may be selling the top quality products in your ecommerce store, but if the photos of your products look bad, people are unlikely to buy them. You must make sure that your photos can be viewed from different angles, especially if you’re selling jewelry, watches, or customized items.

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