A brand is referred to a business marketing concept that helps people identify a particular company, product or individual. The brand helps identify the company and also helps shape the people's perception of companies, their products or individuals. They provide enormous value to the company or an individual, giving them a competitive edge over others in the same industry. Many entities often look to seek a legal protection for their brands through trademarks. Brands are considered to be among a company's most important & valuable assets.
Brand recognition refers to recognizing the brand from its visual indicators such as logos/colors. Brand awareness refers to customers not only recognizing the brand but also knowing what kind of product the brand sells, at what price it sells and what are the company's principles & values.
Benefits of branding for your export business:
- Customers recognize your company's products more easily
- Customers associate your company with good quality & customer service
- Customers become ready to pay more for it
- Branding gives the company greater credibility
- Customers are more likely to trust a branded name and it drives new business
- Branding boosts the company's confidence and it also attracts talent
- Branding also helps increase brand awareness
How can a company build an international brand ?
- Find a market: The first step is to find the right market for your product and it is not necessary that it is the largest market. Demand for you product in that market is a very important factor which must be consistent & the demand should not be easily met by the competitors.
- Deliver the good: The company must make sure that it can consistently supply goods to the markets within its laws & rules. The products must also meet local standards on safety, health, environment.
- Adapt: Understanding the cultural differences is a key factor for every business. The company might even have to change their logo or name if at all it may be offensive in some or the other way to any culture.
- Be consistent: Consistency is very important to become successful, the company must make sure that there core identity & principles remain consistent, which can help the customers know exactly what to expect when they buy a product from a particular company.
- Packaging: It is important to find out whether the target country has packaging requirement as packaging plays a important role in attracting the customers towards it. For eg: Does the information have to be in the local language?
- Protect yourself: Protect your company by filing the necessary trademarks & patent protections to preserve you international property overseas.